Sunday, January 20, 2013

Quick Training Update

The week has come and gone. Some things to put in writing lest I forget.

Training This Week
Found a gym at Braddell Heights CC to train at. Ended up training there all week. Did week 5 for 531 to get back into the groove of things. Also added in DE squats. Starting next week I’ll run the full 531 cycle 1 beginning from week 3 together with DE bench and DE squat. Basically this will be a 6 day training week as follows. Hopefully things will work out.

Monday: 531 OHP
Tuesday: DE bench
Wednesday: 531 deadlift
Thursday: DE squat
Friday: 531 bench
Saturday: 531 squat

531 top sets will be pushed hard. Singles won’t be taken. Heavier assistance work will be done. Less volume per session due to time constraint but frequency will be increased.

Diet this week has settled down somewhat. Sleep even though slightly less still appears to be ok. Recovery overall is satisfactory. Will see how things go in the coming week when the intensity is ramped up.  

Another thing to note is the lack of caffeine before training. Since training is now in the evening, I avoid taking caffeine beforehand because I want to sleep after training. And normally it takes close to 6 hours before the effects of caffeine wears off for me. And I don’t have 6 hours to spare because training is at 1900hrs and sleep at 2200hrs. Unless I take caffeine at 1700hrs but then it becomes rather pointless because the full effects kick in approximately 30 minutes after ingestion. At the 2 hour mark, I’ll be stimulated no doubt, but not enough to train hard. So ironically, training has been hard because without any stimulants even the warm up is a bitch to do. But it’s good because I get to better gauge my training intensity and I can fall asleep when I get home.  

Smolov Evaluation
Tested squats on Saturday, 19/1/13, at Bishan gym in the morning. Took 4 scoops of ON amino energy and creatine prior to squatting. This was taken at 0945hrs, roughly 2 hours after breakfast which was at 0800hrs. Breakfast consisted of 2 scoops protein, 2 slices wholemeal bread, 1 slice cheese and 1 slice ham. Decided to skip the 4 eggs because I wanted quicker digestion so the stomach will be better able to absorb the PWO supplement whilst still having sufficient energy to train.

Did the shoulder savers warm up as usual followed by warming up on squats using 531 squats week 5. Belted for the set of 130kg for 5 reps and for the 3 singles taken at 140kg, 150kg and 160kg. Thanks to my training partner for pointing out my form on the 140kg single, which led to a fantastic 150kg and that gave me the confidence to take 160kg. Basically, I focused on controlling the weight even more on the way down (descending even slower than usual), getting tighter and tighter until I hit depth and then exploding right up. 160kg was a real grinder but I’m not complaining man. That was a solid 10kg PR with 3 weeks of smolov. And a span of only 5 weeks between my 150kg PR and this.

A few more points about smolov. It’s not for beginners, definitely, or anyone who is not proficient or confident in his/her squat.

 A minimum squat max of 150kg should be possessed because the base mesocycle calls for an increase of 15kg over the course of 3 weeks and if your squat 1RM is too low, the increase becomes too significant relative to your 1RM. Because bear in mind that all loads are taken as percentages of your 1RM but the 15kg increase is not. That one is an absolute value so relative to your 1RM it had better not be too large a percentage.

Another reason why it’s not for beginners is because the frequent squatting will probably lead to some injuries or strains here and there. And as a beginner, one might not have sufficient experience troubleshooting these issues. Of course, with the help of the internet and or other more experienced lifters, this problem can be negated.

The next point has to do with work capacity and recovery. Squatting 4 times a week is not joke. It is best to have prior experience with high frequency training.  

Smolov is a squat program and it has served its purpose in my opinion. However, this will come at the expense of your other lifts. For the upper body lifts, it is possible to train them in conjunction with smolov. This is important because your strength won’t decline and your technique will be further improved. Only trade-off I found with smolov was with my deadlift. Not deadlifting for 3 weeks left my deadlifting technique all rusty. But not to worry because now I’ll be tackling it head on again.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

3 Things I've Learnt From Smolov

I’m worse at counting than I thought. I can only count up to 4 and this isn’t helpful on smolov because the reps range from 3 to 9. So I’ve learnt how to count in sets of 4. For example, 9 reps would be 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 1. Previously, I would have went, “1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, shit how many reps was that man? I think I’ve just one more rep.” Clearly, this manner of counting was not conducive for achieving the desired training effect.    

Smolov is good for people of all attention spans. For those with a short attention span, smolov is excellent because you work for a little while, rest for a long time and repeat. For those with a long attention span, smolov works equally well too because you’re gonna be in the gym for a long, long time and you’re really going to need to focus because it’s depressing to share the power cage with 3 groups of people, one after another.

Smolov is really excellent programming. Whoever thought of squatting 4 times a week and even throwing in back to back sessions? Also, it’s really easy to follow smolov because you only need to perform a single movement and even the reps and loading parameters for the day’s session are fixed. How easy is that? 

My Smolov Experience

Recovery is the name of the game. Smolov is essentially high frequency training and this only works if you’re recovered enough for the next session. Perhaps one of the goals of smolov is accumulative fatigue followed by super compensation but I believe that if I didn’t take care of my recovery, I wouldn’t even be able to finish the cycle much less reap any of its benefits. This is an important takeaway for me because I love training. And to be able to train frequently and intensely, I need to recover fully between training sessions. Now, I look at my training program by first determining how much resources I have for recovery then working out how many training sessions I should have. The resources include diet and sleep. Diet meaning how often can I eat and what foods are available to me? Knowing this helps me to make adjustments and this is something that can be easily accounted for. Sleep is trickier because we all only have 24 hours a day and ideally I would require 9 hours of sleep at night and an hour for my afternoon nap. Obviously, this has little workaround and so once sleep is compromised, the training program needs to account for this.

Visualization is important when approaching work sets. Going through the verbal cues in my head, visualizing the lift beforehand, looking out for parts of the lift where I might run into problems and reinforcing the solutions. All these build technique, which makes me a better, stronger and safer lifter. On the other hand, this does not apply to accessory work. For example with curls, raises, rows, etc, I prefer to actively engage the target muscle and feel it working. Actually, if you need to visualize your accessory work, something is very wrong with your training program.

Stretching, foam rolling, prehab and rehab. This ties in with recovery and ensures that I am able to perform at my best at each training session. Stretching and foam rolling makes a positive difference for me and so I’ll continue to do them diligently. Prehab and rehab are slightly trickier. As a lifter, injuries are bound to occur and I have to troubleshoot them as they come. Most of the time, it’s just a strain and these are easy to rehab. Also, if I start to feel some pain in an area, before another major happens, I’d kick in prehab for that area. This was the case for my delts and forearms. For my delts, the shoulder savers warm up was a boon. For my forearms, change in form and exercises helped alleviate the pain somewhat.

Looking ahead, I probably won’t be revisiting smolov anytime soon. Rather, it’s back to 531 but now I’m all the wiser for it. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Training Log 10/1/13

10/1/13; 0945-1245hrs; Bishan Gym
Before: Great. Was looking forward to switching flat bench for incline bench and getting a good upper body workout in.

During: Drained. Incline bench irritated my forearms too. But mainly I just wasn’t in the zone. Physically I felt ok but mentally I just wasn’t there. Psyching myself up on smolov days is probably too mentally draining. Then again, I realised that the past 2 Thursdays didn’t go well either. It seems that by the time Thursday rolls around, I’m dead.

After: Good. Dug in, made adjustments to the training session and still got something out of it. Looking forward to smolov. It is becoming some sort of sick obsession, suffering under the bar.

Warm up: Did the shoulder savers warm up. Already felt sluggish here but I pushed on of course. I’m not one to terminate a training session during warm up. At least not yet. Warmed up on the incline bench and at 60kg the forearms started acting up so I stopped it.

Work sets: Not done. This forearm problem is puzzling. It appears that as long as there is any horizontal plane involved in pressing, there is the onset of forearm pain. OHP does not cause this issue. Whether or not squatting has to do with it remains to be seen after this program.

Assistance: 5 sets of 10 reps standing db press superset with 15 reps wide overhand chin ups.

Accessory: This is what turned my mood around. So now I know, when things look bleak, train like a bodybuilder! Bodyweight dips superset with D handle rows on the lat pulldown machine. Today I went a little lighter, I think, and did more reps. Did these for 4 sets. Followed by front lateral raise to overhead extension superset with straight arm lat pulldowns for 4 sets. Reps were around 10 for both. And lastly, L-lateral dumbbell raises superset with face pulls for 4 sets. Took a lighter weight for the raises and did 20 reps for both. Brisk walk wasn’t done today because my lower body didn’t feel sore and I was lazy.

I learnt again today that knowing the purpose of training is very important. The current program is focused on squatting and this is my purpose. The squat sessions must be completed do or die. Anything else is a bonus. Being reminded of this today helped me re-evaluate today’s training session and realise that upper body strength just needs to be maintained on this program and carried out to ensure postural integrity. Bearing this in mind, I was able to adjust the training to meet this goal and to bring me closer to completing this program.

My appetite’s been pretty good this few days given that training hasn’t been all that slack. So it adds up. Coming off this program might require some changes to the diet but nothing concrete now. Just something for me to ponder about at the moment. Also, my diet thus far has ensured optimal recovery and also minimal body fat gain but that’s just guesswork going on.

Preworkout/breakfast: 2 scoops protein, creatine, 4 eggs and 2 slices of wholemeal bread. 1 cup kopi o kosong ti loh before hitting the gym.

Postworkout/lunch: 1 scoop protein. Felt really weak and tired as if I was cutting but I’m not so carbs were in order. Lots of wanton mee.

Teabreak: 1 scoop protein and 1 scoop full cream milk powder. Felt weak again too so I had 2 agar agar. I am lacking sugar somehow. Or not eating enough.

Dinner: Sweet potato noodle, lots of ngoh hiang, white rice, curry sting ray. 1 persimmon because fruits are important. 2 agar agar because I was still hungry.  

Supper: 1 scoop protein and 1 scoop full cream milk powder.

Training Log 11/1/13

11/1/13; 1000-1230hrs; Bishan Gym
Before: Looking forward to smashing weight.

During: Looking forward to not being smashed by the weight. F this shit man. Who squats at 87% of their max for 5 reps? Only to repeat it for 6 more sets? Clearly Prilepin’s chart doesn't really apply here. Today really sucked and I had to dig deep as usual to see it through. Again, it was all mental. Physically, when I was under the bar, the reps weren't that hard honestly.

After: F this shit. Tomorrow I've to squat again?? But seriously, I’m gonna crush it tomorrow.

Warm up: Did the shoulder savers warm up. It’s a really nice warm up. Warm up squat sets went like this.
Bar for 10 reps. This was just to get used to the bar position.
60kg for 5 reps. This was to further get used to the bar position and also to reinforce technique.
80kg for 5 reps. This was to supplement the above.
100kg for 3 reps. This was to get used to moving heavier weight. Done for less reps to conserve energy for the work sets.
110kg for 3 reps. Same as above.
120kg for 1 rep. This was done just to get a feel of the weight and as a final form check. So a single was performed to conserve energy for the work sets.

Work sets: This went pretty nice, not the best session I’ve had by far but certainly not the worse. No real pain anywhere, just a general soreness in the back. Probably overdid it yesterday. I realised the triceps felt strained when getting under the bar. I didn’t know the triceps were involved in setting the bar. Going to need to focus on technique tomorrow. Knees were caving in a little today. Some reps were a real grinder, actually that was close to half. Belted for all sets, couldn’t really see myself doing it without a belt though. Low back felt sore. Was it because of the back extensions yesterday or the weight today? I’ll find out tomorrow I guess.

Assistance: Nothing done.

There are quite a few thoughts running through my head now but I need to sleep soon. Recovery is of utmost importance. So this will have to be done another day but I’ll leave some points here so I won’t forget. Things I've learnt this past 3 weeks. Diet, sleep, recovery, training, how they all tie in. I’m not a bodybuilder, I am a powerlifter and my goal is to lift heavy weights but I do want to look aesthetically pleasing too. Making use of short, intense cycles such as this to make some gains but there is a need to back off quickly as well; also how to hold onto these gains?

Preworkout/breakfast: 2 scoops protein, creatine, 4 eggs and 2 slices of wholemeal bread. 1 cup kopi o kosong ti loh before hitting the gym.

Postworkout/lunch: 1 scoop protein. Carl’s Jr low carb thickburger without sauce, beef chili cheese criss cut fries and coke light. The burger cause there’s protein. The fries cause there’s carbs and it’s awesome and it’s not on the menu. Coke light cause I’m feeling healthy. Actually no cause I still like the taste of coke but I don’t really need those empty calories from sugar.

Teabreak: Costa coffee small cappuccino. Doesn't really do anything for my diet. It’s just milk and coffee after all. But it tasted decent.

Dinner: Felt hungry but the food wouldn't go in. Brown rice, white rice, green vegetable, pork ribs, egg and short bean, and ice cream.

Supper: 2 scoop protein and 1 scoop full cream milk powder. 

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Training Log 9/1/13

9/1/13; 1030-1300hrs; SRC Gym
Before: Great. Looking forward to squatting.

During: Great. 7 reps at 122.5kg felt easy. Just needed to keep the positive attitude going for 5 sets.

After: Great. Today was a good training session. Comparable to Monday. Maybe I’m adapting to the weight and volume of smolov?

Warm up: Did the shoulder savers warm up as usual. Warm up squat sets were stiff as usual too. Kept my head on and didn’t get too worried about it. Final warm up set at 120kg for a single went smoothly. A little slow but I didn’t let that bother me. Focus was on setting the bar right and getting the technique dialled in.

Work sets: Rest times for the first 4 sets were around 7 minutes, didn’t feel the need to rest any longer than that. The 4th set felt like a bit of a grinder so I took it that the rest time wasn’t long enough so for the last set I had 15 minutes rest and the last set went really well. Back of right knee is feeling sore but nothing to be overly concerned about at the moment. Mobility and flexibility are not affected. Only when squatting down do I feel a slight twinge at the back of the right knee but it is nothing major. Will keep it in view and see how it goes. Work sets felt easy. Focused on sitting back more to get the posterior chain involved. Bar placement was good. Need to actively spread the knees. At heavier weight, the need to spread the knees and activate the hip adductors on the way up becomes apparent because they really help in getting the weight up. Core and lower back felt good. I guess the core work helps. Slight soreness in the forearms but stretching them between sets helped reduce it.  

Assistance: Did 4 sets of 10 reps for hanging leg raises using bodyweight only. Will do the rest tomorrow at Bishan gym as there wasn’t a 45 degree back extension bench here.

Technique. Visualization. Time. Feeling sleepy again so I shall expound on the aforementioned some other time.

Preworkout/breakfast: 2 scoops protein, creatine, 4 eggs and 2 slices of wholemeal bread. 1 cup kopi o kosong ti loh before hitting the gym.

Postworkout/lunch: 1 scoop protein, beef fried rice from can 1. Didn’t finish all the rice though.

Tea break: 1 scoop protein and 1 scoop full cream milk powder. Can’t bear to eat anymore eggs. It’s making me sick.

Dinner: Brown rice, chicken, eggplant, green vegetables and ice cream. Had more rice today. Felt weak after my nap, probably didn’t have enough for lunch and tea break. I realised I haven’t had ice cream for some time so here it is. Don’t really know if it helps recovery though.

Supper: 1 scoop protein and 1 scoop full cream milk powder.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Training Log 8/1/13

8/1/13; 1030-1300hrs; Bishan Gym
Before: Feeling good. Looking forward to hitting the upper body.

During: Feeling better.

After: Feeling great. Looking forward to smolov tomorrow.

Warm up: Did the shoulder savers warm up. Pull ups felt sluggish initially but that went away after a few sets.

Work sets: Missed on both 67.5kg and 75kg sets initially. Got the required reps the second time around so no biggy there. Felt a little weak when pressing though. Could it be lack of foam rolling or diet?

Assistance: Clean 60kg off the floor and OHP for 5 reps. Superset with wide overhand chin ups for 15 reps. Did 5 sets total. This felt good. Probably gonna keep it for the next few months in place of 5x10.

Accessory: This is where things got fun as usual. Kicked it off with bodyweight dips taken just before failure superset with D handle rows on the lat pulldown machine, did this for 4 sets. Managed around 12 reps on the dips and 9 reps on the rows. Followed by front lateral raise to overhead extension superset with straight arm lat pulldowns for 4 sets. Reps were around 10 for both. And lastly, L-lateral dumbbell raises superset with face pulls for 4 sets. 10 reps for the raises and 20 reps for the face pulls. Brisk walk wasn’t done today because my lower body didn’t feel sore and I was lazy.

I need to be diligent about foam rolling. Just take a little bit of time each day to roll. Don’t become lazy and neglect this.

Preworkout/breakfast: 2 scoops protein, creatine, 4 eggs and 2 slices of white bread. 1 cup kopi o kosong ti loh before hitting the gym.

Postworkout/lunch: 1 scoop protein, claypot noodle with mince meat and fish soup, 2 persimmons.

Teabreak: 4 eggs with 1 slice of cheese omelette.

Dinner: Swenson’s mega burger or whatever it’s called.

Supper: 2 scoops protein and 1 scoop full cream milk powder.